Municipal Education - Foundation Course Programme – Printing of Work books & Study material and distribution to students,GO.458
MA&UD Dept., - Municipal Education - Foundation Course Programme – Printing of Work books & Study material and distribution to students of Classes I to V and VI to X – Printing and Supply for the Academic Year 2018–19 - Administrative sanction – Accorded – Orders – Issued.
G.O.RT.No. 458 Dated: 15-05-2018
Read the following:-
1.From the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur, Lr.Roc.No.004/2018/FC-A1, Dt:14.04.2018.
2.From the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur, Lr.Roc.No.17/2018/FC-A1, Dt:25.04.2018
- In the circumstances reported by the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur in the references 1st & 2nd read above, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord administrative sanction for printing and supply of Primary student work books I and II of 4 subjects viz., Telugu/Urdu, English, Mathematics and EVS to all the students studying in I to V Classes of all Municipal Primary and UP Schools in the state and also printing and supply of study material to students of Foundation Course in Classes VI to X ie., FA-I to FA-IV & AFC Study Material Common practice tests, X Class question banks, Gnanadhara Summer Remediation programme etc., in the existing 59 ULBs, as mentioned the required no. of copies in the letters read above for the academic year 2018-19, duly adopting e-Tender procedure and take technical support as was constituted a committee vide G.O.Rt.No.309, MA&UD (D1) Dept., Dated:21.04.2017, subject to meeting the expenditure for the said works from the Foundation Course Funds.
- The Director of Municipal Administration, A.P, Guntur is therefore, requested to furnish detailed estimated cost / expenditure particulars for printing and supply the student work books and study material for Classes I to V and Classes VI to X as mentioned in the para – 1 above for according further administrative orders regarding to meet the expenditure for the said works from the funds available with the Director of Municipal Administration A.P. under the budget head - Assistance to Municipalities for providing basic facilities for Municipal Schools (Foundation Course) as was released vide G.O.Ms.No.113, Municipal Administration & Urban Development (D1) Department, Dated 27/03/2017.
- The Director of Municipal Administration, A.P, Guntur is, therefore, requested to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.